Making Bakery Kamstra more sustainable
Bakery Kamstra and sustainability.
Our refrigerators and freezers are equipped with the natural refrigerant CO2, which is not explosive and the GWP of natural refrigerants is negligible (CO2 has a Global Warming Potential of 1).
We reuse the heat released during the cooling and freezing process through a Heat Recovery system. We have 21,000 liters of preheated water ready to provide our buildings and processes with heat and hot water.
50% of the energy we consume currently comes from wind energy in the Netherlands.
At the beginning of 2024, Bakkerij Kamstra installed 4 charging stations to offer visitors and employees the opportunity to charge their (Hybrid) electric car.
Work will also start on replacing a black to a white roof and 574 solar panels will be installed.
This allows us to significantly reduce our CO2 emissions.
Below you will find the calculated and certified results of our Bakery for the year 2022.